Friday, August 14, 2009

do we have Honor in Office?

This is a nonpartisan attempt by Jerrol LeBaron in California to gain Honor in Office ( ) for America. A novel idea at the very least, right?

This is certainly worth watching and will explain my opinion far beyond any words I could ever put down on paper for you. Go to and type in:
Government Officials Voting Fraudulently: Lawmakers Breaking the Law-Texas Legislature

I am a native-born Texan and proud of it except when the subject of politics arises. In this past year, the 81st Legislative Session of Texas, the House and Senate combined tried to pass a record high number of bills. 7,600 bills, to be exact, were submitted for consideration to our 31 State Senators and 150 State Representatives. Our Legislators are only paid $7,200 annually and a per diem amount for the 140 days they are in session. Assuming they had all 7,600 bills at the beginning of the session, this would mean each one of them would have had to have read 54.28+ bills a day to have read them all Was it humanly possible to read 7,600 bills? No, of course not. Did our Legislators listen more to the lobbyists ($$) and special interest groups ($$) that lurk in the hallways of the Capitol than to their constituents from back home? Sadly, probably so.

What's the answer? I am saying these bills that get signed into law are CONTRACTS between the elected official and their CONSTITUENTS back home. Every elected official should take an oath to read each and every bill he or she is expected to sign into law ..... OUR law. They need to READ THE BILL OR GET OFF THE HILL and let someone else try to do a better job.

Patricia A. Jones
207 Duncan
Hillsboro, Texas 76645